Philly / Stallion

Philly 1:  The main tray of our Philly holders is designed to hold two rows of 15 bottles each.  This holder is made for the 2 oz. bottles of craft paint.  In the middle of this tray is a 3″x 12″ opening that holds paint brushes and other supplies that aid in completing your projects.

Philly 2: This carrier starts with the Philly 1 base and is topped with a 2nd layer that is removable for easy access to your storage compartment.  It helps you to coordinate your additional space needs as it also holds two rows of 15 bottles which allows this carrier hold a total of 60 bottles.

Philly 3:  The Ultimate Carrier in this line, starts with the Philly 1 base, topped with the Philly 2 shelf and has an extended handle to accommodate the top shelf of additional storage of 30 bottles.  This carrier holds a max of 90 2 oz bottles and still has the hidden compartment on the first layer for your accessories.

Stallion Base:  This table top base is designed with storage for 62 2 oz. bottles and an integrated storage tray in the middle.  The middle compartment is approx. 17 3/4″ x 6″ and is hidden when the Philly 1-2-3 is placed on top which holds brushes and additional supplies.  The overall size of the tray is approx. 26″ x 19 3/4″.

Stallion Combo:  The ultimate storage and organizational unit for your 2 oz craft paint collection.  The Stallion combo includes the Stallion base and the Philly 3 set.  When all 4 layers are used together it creates 2 storage trays for brushes and supplies and pockets for a total of 152 bottles. The Philly 3 set is locked together to be a grab and go unit.
